One Library
What is One Library?
The One Library network is the first of its kind in Western Australia. It connects 25 libraries in the South West providing the community with greater flexibilty in accessing a significantly wider range of library resources. You can use your current library card to borrow and return items at any of the participating libraries;
Australind, Balingup, Binningup, Boddington, Boyanup, Boyup Brook, Bridgetown, Bunbury, Busselton, Capel, Collie, Dalyellup, Dardanup East, Donnybrook, Dunsborough, Eaton, Harvey, Manjimup, Nannup, Northcliffe, Pemberton, Walpole, Waroona, Withers, Yarloop.
With access to multiple libraries, the materials of all these libraries become available to you. With over half a million items to select from you will have a wider choice of books, DVDs, magazines and more, you will find lots to love about this service.