Think again campaign
In 2014, the Southern Forests Alcohol Think Again (SFATA) Project delivered a local campaign promoting the Alcohol. Think Again' message. The campaign was developed to target youth under 18, parents of youth aged under 18 and the general community. The campaign consisted of radio ads, posters, advertisements and the SFATA logo. The campaign was funded by Healthway.
The campaign comprised of print and radio advertisements around two main messages, those being:
- Under 18. No alcohol. The safest choice; and
- To avoid alcohol related harm in the long term, drink no more than two standard drinks on any one day.
The print advertisements are available below:
- Alcohol laws for under 18s (PDF, 1.2MB)
- Alcohol related harm in teenagers (PDF, 1.2MB)
- Community standard drink ad (PDF, 1.2MB)
- Footie ad (PDF, 3.7MB)
- Parent and family drug support booklet for Aboriginal parents and families (PDF, 2.3MB)
- Parents ad (PDF, 1.6MB)
- Talking to your teenager about alcohol (PDF, 1.4MB)
- Teenage girls ad (PDF, 11.4MB)
- Tips for hosting a teenage party (PDF, 954.6KB)