Expressions of Interest: AquaCentre
Job TypeCasual
LocationManjimup Regional AquaCentre
Manjimup Regional AquaCentre
The Manjimup Regional AquaCentre is an indoor facility with two heated pools: a 25 metre lap pool with 8 lanes and a leisure pool with 2 walking lanes and beach area. The facility also boasts a group fitness room, a café and a creche and offers a variety of activities from leisure swimming to swimming lessons as well as land and water based fitness classes.
The Shire is accepting Expressions of Interest from individuals seeking casual employment in aquatic and fitness based services. All applications will be retained by the Shire for the 2025 calendar year. Please note applications are reviewed at the end of each calendar month and only applicants who have been shortlisted for further consideration will be contacted. We appreciate your understanding and look forward to reviewing your submission
Click 'Download' below for the Expression of Interest Form. Applications can be submitted online, via email to or posted to PO Box 1, Manjimup WA 6258.General enquiries regarding current vacancies can be made to the Manjimup Regional AquaCentre (08) 9771 1278 or Human Resources on (08) 9771 7751.