Component summary
Pedestrian and cycling linkages are to be created or upgraded from the town centre in two key corridors to the west and the east of the town centre. The corridors are indicated on the Town Centre Principles Plan.
Stage one
A shared walk / cycle path of approximately 1.9km was constructed along Perup Road between Crowea Street and King Jarrah.
Stage two
This component has been informed by the recently developed Local Bicycle and Footpath Plan 2017-2027 which has been endorsed by Council. This document was road-showed around the Shire in August/September 2017 to seek community feedback.
The Perup Road shared path has been continued from Crowea Street up to the South Western Highway.
The Deanmill Heritage Trail has been upgraded with an asphalt seal between Ipsen Street and Cronin Street and a two metre wide compacted gravel surface from Cronin Street to Deanmill.