Don't let winter rain on your parade
MEDIA RELEASE - Don't let winter rain on your parade
June 2017
It is that time of the year again where the days get shorter, the weather cools down and our lakes and dams start to fill up again. For some people, this time of year is particularly difficult as the change of season can lead to a decrease in physical activity and leave people feeling unhappy and isolated from friends and family.
"The change in weather doesn't have to negatively affect our mental health" said Shire President Paul Omodei. "There are many great ways to stay Active, Belong and Commit throughout winter!" he added.
The Act-Belong-Commit campaign directed by Mentally Healthy WA at Curtin University promotes keeping active, having a sense of belonging and creating purpose in life for good mental health and wellbeing. To encourage this throughout the colder months, the Act-Belong-Commit team has put together some ideas on how to stay Mentally Healthy throughout winter.
Act: Get cosy and start reading a new book, drink warm tea to curb those extra food cravings, rug up and enjoy the fresh air on walks or develop an exercise routine in your home, experiment with a new winter recipe, invite a friend over for a chat;
Belong:Organise a movie night in with your friends or family, plan a picnic on a sunny winter's day, start or join a book club, attend performances and quiz nights or join a choir; and
Commit: Donate winter clothes to an Op Shop, volunteer at a soup kitchen, donate old towels and rugs to a local animal shelter or start a new online course.
Cr Paul Omodei concluded that "these activities don't rely on the summer weather; they are low cost or free and can help keep you Mentally Healthy this winter."
For further ideas on how to keep mentally healthy during the colder months browse the activities listed on the Act-Belong-Commit page of the Shire of Manjimup website via:
Authorised by Andrew Campbell, Chief Executive Officer
Contact Gina Nieuwendyk, Coordinator Communication and Executive Support
Contact: 9771 7777
Contact for comment: Paul Omodei, Shire President.
Contact: 0448 810 773