Warren Blackwood Alliance of Councils

The Warren Blackwood Alliance of Councils (WBAC) is a voluntary regional organisation of Councils, comprising of the Shires of Boyup Brook, Bridgetown-Greenbushes, Donnybrook Balingup, Manjimup, and Nannup. Established in 2001 in response to the restructure of the timber industry, the WBAC serves as a unified body working collaboratively on issues impacting the Warren and Blackwood catchments.
The WBAC exists to support the development of a prosperous and sustainable region in the Warren Blackwood and strives to enhance the quality of life for its residents. By engaging in, or supporting, significant projects that promote economic development, diversity, and encourage regional population growth, the WBAC actively contributes to the region's advancement.
The WBAC plays a pivotal role in bringing substantial value to both the region and its member councils. Through a unified approach, the alliance effectively leverages opportunities for funding, forms strategic partnerships, and facilitates economic development projects that benefit the entire Warren Blackwood community.
The Board of the WBAC has two council representatives from each of the five member Shires and employs an Executive Officer, Project Support Officer, and Climate Change Project Officer. The Board meets every two months, rotating its meetings around the five member Shires.
Key projects of the WBAC include:
Warren Blackwood Sub-Regional Growth Plan
Warren Blackwood Sub-Regional Growth Plan is one of the most important documents we hold as a region. The WBAC futures plans are embedded within the Warren Blackwood Sub-Regional Growth Plan and framework developed through this document provides a strategic overview of our regions economic and social priorities.
Across our member local governments, our collective aim is to safeguard and enhance the region's reputation as a safe and desirable place to live, work, and play, and our growth plan is instrumental in achieving this, by not only recognising the global changes impacting our sub-region, but also by highlighting the resources, skills, and opportunities within our area.
Climate Change Action Plan Impact Reference Group
The Climate Change Action Plan Implementation reference group (CCAPIRG) is a
Sub-Regional Working Group of the WBAC with the purpose of overseeing the implementation of the WBAC sub-regional Climate Change Policy and Action Plan. The CCAPIRG has council and staff representatives from each of the five member local governments of the WBAC.
In August 2022, the WBAC launched its regional Climate Change Policy and Action Plan. The plan was created to understand and consolidate the current climate change adaptation, mitigation, communication and advocacy activities undertaken by the WBAC local governments and assist in developing practical and achievable climate change policy instruments, including adaptation, mitigation, communication and advocacy actions applicable to, and for the consideration of, the WBAC and its members. The Plan includes 11 adaptation actions, 9 mitigation actions, 14 leadership and advocacy actions and 8 communication actions.

Southern Forests & Valleys Tourism Brand
Since 2013 the WBAC has led the progression of a collective tourism brand to undertake marketing for the region. Today, the Southern Forests & Valley tourism brand is a project of the WBAC with the aim for the region to be recognised as a highly desirable visitor destination, with a prosperous and sustainable tourism industry contributing to the region's sustainable future.
The primary objectives of the Southern Forests & Valleys tourism brand are to showcase, promote and highlight the region's tourism operators, attractions, events, and trails to increase visitation to the Southern Forests & Valleys region.
“The Southern Forests & Valleys region is located in the heart of Australia's South West, and stretches from Balingup to Walpole, Nannup to Boyup Brook and encompasses Bridgetown, Pemberton, Greenbushes, Manjimup and Northcliffe.”
Tourism is a vital industry that has the power to transform regions and contribute significantly to their economic, social, and cultural development. The Southern Forests & Valleys tourism brand has the opportunity to be a driving force for regional growth and sustainability. The brand has a clear mission to deliver strategic tourism leadership, guide the development of the visitor experience, support the development of industry capacity, and grow customer awareness of the region's tourism offering.
The WBAC's Future of Tourism document outlines our aims, objectives, and priorities of the Southern Forests & Valleys tourism brand.

Warren Blackwood Stock Route
The Warren Blackwood Stock Route is a 345km bridle trail based on the historic stock droving routes of the original farming families of the South West. The Stock Route stretches from the coast at Nannup to Broke Inlet near Walpole and connects a number of towns and camping destinations including Bridgetown, Manjimup, Quinninup, Shannon and Willow Springs. The WBSR is designed to be completed in smaller or larger sections and there are eight equine friendly campsites dotted along the route at intervals of between 15km and 46 km, and sections of self-reliant trail to explore toward the coast.
The trail meanders through some of the most picturesque countryside the Southern Forests and Valleys region has to offer. Through Karri and Jarrah forests to farmland and the coast, the trail provides an opportunity for trail enthusiasts to experience the historic footsteps of the pioneer farming families that moved cattle to the coastal South West.
The Warren Blackwood Stock Route was constructed as a WBAC project and funded by the Shires of Bridgetown-Greenbushes, Manjimup and Nannup, the South West Development Commission, Lotterywest and the Department of Local Government, Sport and Cultural Industries.
The WBAC can be contacted through the Executive Officer, Katie McDonnell via info@wbac.net.au.
Warren Blackwood Alliance of Councils
PO Box 528, Manjimup, WA 6258