Access & Inclusion
The Shire of Manjimup aims to ensure that the services it provides meet the needs and expectations of all, and that everyone has equal access to these services regardless of race, gender, beliefs, age, sexuality or disability.
The Shire recognises that the range of special needs across the community is very diverse and the task of meeting all needs is not a simple one. The Shire will, however, endeavour through consultation and involvement with the community to identify as many barriers to access and inclusion as possible and work towards achieving success in these areas in an ongoing and sustainable manner.
In order to guide these endeavours, Council has adopted an Access & Inclusion Plan. Further, the Access & Inclusion Advisory Committee, comprising Councillors, Shire officers, local agencies and community representatives, meets four times each year and advises Council on various matters. The terms of reference for the committee are available here.
On request and where possible, the Shire can provide Shire and Council documents in alternative, more accessible formats.