Strategic Planning
What is a Strategic Community Plan?
The Strategic Community Plan captures and outlines the Shire community’s long-term (10 year +) vision, values, aspirations and priorities with reference to other Shire of Manjimup plans, State and Federal Government plans, information and resourcing capability. A copy of the Shire’s current Strategic Community Plan can be accessed below:
Strategic Community Plan 2021 - 2031
What is a Corporate Business Plan?
The Corporate Business Plan is an internal planning tool that translates Council and the community’s priorities defined in the Strategic Community Plan into operational activities to be completed by the local government administration. The plan details the services, operations and projects the Shire will deliver within a defined period, usually 4 years. It also includes the processes for delivering these and the estimated costs associated. A copy of the Shire’s current Corporate Business Plan can be accessed below:
Corporate Business Plan 2023 - 2027
What are Informing Strategies?
Informing Strategies allow the Shire to set its priorities within its resourcing capability and deliver short term, medium term and long-term community priorities and aspirations. All Informing Strategies have an interdependent nature throughout the Integrated Planning and Reporting Framework. This means they can inform other strategies, be informed by other components and be continually developed after other components are finalised. As they are managed somewhat separately to the Corporate Business Plan, the Shire can explore options and pursue innovative solutions to resourcing issues. The Informing Strategies developed and used by the Shire are listed in the Corporate Business Plan.
What is the Annual Budget?
The Annual Budget is a detailed financial plan for the coming financial year covering all aspects of the Shire’s operations, and should reflect the resources generated by way of revenue and the resources consumed by way of expenditure. It is the basis for the setting of rates. As a short term operational plan, the Annual Budget is directed to the ultimate objectives of the Council and serves as a guide to maintaining a definite course of activity. It is imperative that all budget estimates such as capital works and new proposals are developed in accordance with the local government’s Corporate Business Plan (as updated annually), with any significant variations explained. The current Annual Budget can be accessed here: