‘Ag Inspirations’ set to inspire young minds again
Ag Inspirations' set to inspire young minds again
MEDIA RELEASE - 'Ag Inspirations' set to inspire young minds again
April 2016
The Southern Forests SEED Program is hosting its fourth action packed 'Ag Inspirations' for year nine students from the region, spurred on by overwhelmingly positive feedback from past 'Ag Inspirations' students.The Southern Forests SEED Program is part of the Agricultural Expansion Project, funded by Royalties for Regions.
More than 50 students from Manjimup Senior High School, Kearnan College, Nannup Pemberton and Bridgetown District High Schools, will take part in activities over three consecutive days. The program takes on a new format in 2016 to allow students to immerse in the industry, rather than staging the program over a number of weeks, which has been the format of the program in recent years.
Shire President Wade DeCampo said that the results of a recent survey conducted by the SEED Program showed that 'Ag Inspirations' had been effective in delivering some of the key outcomes of the SEED program in general, with more than 80% of students indicating that the program increased their awareness of career pathways and jobs in agriculture and more than 97% of students agreeing that agriculture is important in our region.
"These results show that the SEED program, particularly 'Ag Inspirations', is filling a gap in the system and in the industry. Where students once weren't even aware of the career options available to them in agriculture, or how crucial agriculture based expertise are in the industry and in our region, they're now at least exploring those options whilst gaining a much broader understanding of the region as a whole."
"The strength of the program is the interactive exchange between students and industry representatives, as well as the hands-on structure of the agricultural learning activities, resulting in more confident students with a far greater understanding of the industry."
This year's Ag Inspirations will run on the 18th, 19th and 20th of May.
For further information, please contact Stephanie Carstairs, Education Development Officer for the Shire of Manjimup on 0417 881 665 or Stephanie.carstairs@manjimup.wa.gov.au - or visit the Shire of Manjimup website. www.manjimup.wa.gov.au/SEED .
Authorised by Andrew Campbell, Chief Executive Officer
Contact Gina Nieuwendyk, Coordinator Communication and Executive Support
Contact: 9771 7777
Contact for comment: Wade DeCampo, Shire President
Contact: 0427 094 081