Federal Member for O'Connor Rick Wilson was in Manjimup on Monday 6 May 2019 to annouce a $39.7 million Federal investment into the Southern Forests Irrigation Scheme. This funding adds to the $19 million State Government funding announced in October 2018 and public commitments of $11 million towards the project.
The Southern Forests Irrigation Scheme will improve water storage and distribution through a new dam, pipeline and infrastructure. This will allow for the movement and trading of water between farms, to ensure water is optimised productively. It will be owned and operated by the region's growers.
Shire President Paul Omodei is excited by the announcment 'This is a great outcome for the Southern Forests Irrigation Co-operative Ltd, who have been working towards a sustainable irrigated water supply for continued growth in the agriculture sector for a number of years'.
'We are grateful to the Federal and State Governments for supporting our region and seeing the potential in the scheme to provide guaranteed, whole of region, water resources for the agricultural sector into the future. It is imperative now that all required environmental approvals are in place for the scheme to proceed'.
Mr Wilson said he was proud the Morrison Government has delivered such an important water infrastructure project for the Southern Forests food bowl region and described it as a game changer for the agriculture sector.
The Southern Forests Irrigation Scheme will assist to future-proof horticultural water supplies for the region, enabling it to reach its full potential as a supplier of quality fruit and vegetables to lucrative domestic and international markets. Information on the scheme can be obtained by visiting the SFIS website at: www.sfirrigationcooperative.com.au