Accordwest, the Shire of Manjimup and Manjimup Home and Community Care have collaborated with clubs, community groups and service providers in the Warren Blackwood to hold a Community 'Taste of Our Community' day in support of Mental Health Week.
The 'Taste of our Community' event will be held at the Manjimup Wellness and Respite Community Centre on the 14 October 2020 from 10am until 2pm. Activities and stalls will give a taste of what is available locally for people to Live, Learn, Work and Play in their community which is the theme for this year's Mental Health Week. The event will see rolling activities that people can take part in, hosted by groups and support services in the community. Some of the activities will be rock painting with a mental health message, seed saving with the Community Garden, yoga, head and shoulder massage with JSW and Tai Chi. Attendees will be encouraged to dip in and out of the activities, and have a 'taste' of something new. A healthy light lunch will be provided for event goers and a resource bag will be provided with information on clubs, services, groups and mental health resources available in the community.
The 'Taste of our Community' event allows people to meet, interact and ultimately feel comfortable with a club or service. Breaking the ice in a safe and comfortable environment helps individuals to feel empowered to overcome shyness, anxiety and a range of emotional barriers to take the first step of engaging with a group, club or accessing support.
Shire president Paul Omodei commented, "this year we have had more stress than normal making it even more important to be looking after the mental health of ourselves and those around us, the upcoming Mental Health Week expo will provide a fun and social taste of activities and services available to stay mentally healthy".
The event is supported through funding from Western Australian Association for Mental Health, Lotterywest, the Shire of Manjimup and Accordwest.
For further information view the flyer here or contact: