Pemberton Co-location Project
Click here to visit the Pemberton Co-location Project web page where you can find out the details of the general public meeting, download the project information package and see instructions on how to make your submission.
MEDIA RELEASE - New site sought for collaborative community services
February 2016
The Pemberton Community Resource Centre, Pemberton Visitor Centre and Shire of Manjimup Pemberton Public Library (the project partners) are on the hunt to identify the best site for a new or redeveloped facility where the three services will be co-located under one roof.
The move follows a public meeting held in late 2015, where the three project partners explained the vision to Pemberton residents as being greater than simply housing three organisations under one roof. "We aim to bring these service providers together under a shared operational model within a multi-functional shared space. The vision is that this will enable an improvement to the delivery of these services to the community of Pemberton and allow for the provision of further services, from this one venue," said Shire President Wade DeCampo.
The project partners are currently located in three separate facilities, none of which meet their current or future needs. Additionally, the current infrastructure of all services is ageing and both difficult and expensive to maintain. "Investing in a modern facility has been determined the best way forward to maintain our services as viable, accessible and sustainable for the long term," explained project partner and Pemberton Visitor Centre President, Mark Hudson.
The project partners have agreed the new site must have the capacity to accommodate a facility that meets their needs while also taking into account the needs and interests of the community and those affected by the decision. Peter Smith, project partner and Community Resource Centre Manager, explained that "the outcome has not been predetermined and the public's contribution will influence the decision."
Four potential sites are being considered and public comment is sought in relation to these sites. The project partners hope to make a final site selection by the end of March 2016.
The identified sites will be assessed and ranked by the project partners against a number of criteria including public preferences, costs, access, land size, location, orientation, development encumbrances and the preferences of the project partners, including any new partners who seek to invest in the facility.
"If there are other services interested in co-locating, we welcome them to come forward to discuss their ideas," said Cr DeCampo.
A community consultation information package is available via the project web page and a series of community and stakeholder meetings are scheduled for February (information also available via the project page). For more information contact project officer, Hsien Harper, on 9771 7777 or
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Authorised by Gail Ipsen Cutts, Acting Chief Executive Officer
Contact Gina Nieuwendyk, Coordinator Communication and Executive Support
Contact: 9771 7777
Contact for comment: Wade DeCampo, Shire President.
Contact: 0427 094 081
Project contact to arrange photo opportunity: Hsien Harper, Project Officer.
Contact: 0466 488 699