The Shire is pleased to announce that the new roundabout at the northern entrance to Manjimup is now fully open.Following the installation of the permanent lighting Main Roads WA approved the opening this afternoon Monday 20 August 2018.
This Royalties for Regions funded project is a major part of stage two of the Town Centre Revitalisation Project and has completely changed the northern faade of the town and aims to draw visitors into the town centre.
Shire President Paul Omodei is happy that this major infrastructure project has been completed "It is vital that the entrances are readily identifiable to visitors. The lack of defined entrances combined with the detached nature of the town centre from the Highway creates relatively high levels of traffic passing through without stopping."
The roundabout also provides a direct link from East Manjimup into the town centre without traffic having to divert onto the Highway. This will have significant traffic flow benefits as the town expands.
"The concept was designed on the basis of providing an entry statement that will attract passing traffic into Manjimup's town centre. Additionally, the entry statement is critical to providing confidence in Manjimup, which is important to stimulating economic investment opportunity in the region" explained Cr Omodei.
"This project will create the necessary environment to slow vehicles and make it easy to enter the town centre, the roundabout will be supplemented by visual cues to the town centre, including improved signage and future landscaping" added Councillor Omodei.