The Shire of Manjimup is undertaking a major review of its Strategic Community Plan 2019-2029 (the Plan)and wants to know what the community's hopes and dreams are for the region.
The Plan, which covers themes on the natural environment, economy, infrastructure and social factors, was updated by the Shire in 2017 but it has been four years since the broader community has been asked to input into the Plan.
As part of the community engagement process the Shire launched a public survey on 10 February.
"This survey is one of the tools we are using to find out what our community thinks." said Shire President, Paul Omodei, "All residents, workers, students, business operators and ratepayers, of any age, in the Shire of Manjimup are encouraged to participate."
The survey is designed to measure community satisfaction with a range of Shire of Manjimup facilities and services as well as seek the community's priorities for the next 10 years.
In addition to the anonymous survey the Shire will be hosting a series of Community Consultation Caf's in Manjimup, Pemberton, Northcliffe and Walpole at a future date. The 'caf's' will pop up in each town and allow people to drop in at their convenience and stay as long or as short as they want.
Community members are encouraged to complete the survey online here.
Copies of the survey and current Plan can also be accessed via the Shire's Public Libraries or the Shire's Administration Office.
The survey will close after Friday 19 March 2021.
Members of the public seeking more information are encouraged to contact Jason Giadresco, on 9771 7777 or via