Community Services 3.1.1 Banner Poles 3.1.2 Financial Assistance Towards Sport and Recreation Capital Projects incl. CSRFF 3.1.3 Community Funds Allocation Policy.pdf 3.1.4 Community Events Requiring the Use of Public Roads 3.1.5 Temporary Event Banners on Fixed Banner Frames 3.1.6 Naming of Community Assets Memorial Furniture and Plaques.pdf 3.1.7 Manjimup Heritage Park Collections 3.1.8 Community Bus 3.3.1 AquaCentre Temporary Alterations of Operating Hours. 3.8.1 Access and Inclusion Policy 3.9.1 Community and Workplace Healthy Catering 3.9.3 Health and Wellbeing 3.10.1 Contributions to Community Based or Not-for-Profit Aged Housing