Event applications
All event applications are assessed by a team of people who evaluate each event based on a variety of measures including risk, impact, size and timing. As such, our event application form does ask for a large amount of information. Some of these questions might not apply to your event (e.g. temporary camping) in such cases please write n/a as a response. All questions must be answered to be considered for review.
Complete event applications and supporting documentation should be received by the Shire 90 days before the proposed event date.
Please ensure that you download and use the current event application forms below to avoid resubmission.
STEP 1 - before you start completing the application, please take time to read the Information for Event Organisers document. It answers almost everything you could ask and highlights areas of responsibility for event organisers (e.g. toilet allocation, water supply amounts etc).
STEP 2 - small event - complete the event application form in full and submit 90 working days before your proposed event date.
STEP 2 - medium to large event - complete the event application form in full and submit 90 working days before your proposed event date.
STEP 3 - submit a risk plan. All events are evaluated on risk. As such, a risk assessment must be completed for every event. This can be via the risk matrix in the event application form or with your own risk plan. In some cases, emergency plans are also required. The risk and emergency information can be produced in one document. Please use the following guide to assist in creating an independent risk and emergency plan.
STEP 4 - submit a site plan. All events require a site plan so the Shire can adequately assess the application. The site plan can be hand-drawn or completed in a computer program such as Paint. The guide for events document has more info on what should be included. See the example below.
STEP 5 - submit a waste plan. Every event produces waste and it must be managed appropriately. The Shire can assist event organisers with understanding event waste and its management. Complete and submit the following document along with your application if you want the Shire's assistance in managing waste.
Fees and Charges
Please be aware event application fees apply for most applications in accordance with the Council's adopted Fees and Charges. In addition, other fees and charges may apply to your event such as, but not limited to: temporary camping permits, traders permits, waste management and traffic management.
For all event enquiries, contact the Events Liaison Officer on 9771 7777 or by email at communityevents@manjimup.wa.gov.au
Event Planning
The following documents may be useful in planning your event.