
The Cat Act 2011 was introduced by the State Government with the aim of encouraging responsible pet ownership and reducing the number of unwanted cats across Western Australia.
From 1 November 2013, cats over the age of 6 months must be:
- Micro-chipped, wearing a collar and registration tags - for identification purposes;
- Sterilised - unless being used for breeding purposes by an approved breeder; and
- Registered - with the Local Government.
Rangers are authorised to enforce this legislation and fines may apply to owners who do not comply.
Cat Local Law
The purpose of the Cat Local Law is to provide for the management of cats throughout the Shire of Manjimup.
The effect of the local law is to promote responsible cat ownership and manage the control of cats within the Shire of Manjimup.
This local law was gazetted on Thursday 17 September 2020 and will come into effect on Thursday 1 October 2020.
Cat Local Law information sheet.
Cat Prohibited Areas
We have 33 cat prohibited areas within the Shire of Manjimup, this means no cats will be permitted at any time.
This has been put in place for the protection of wildlife and to stop the possibility of cats creating a nuisance
Maps of cat prohibited areas are available here.
Cat registration
All cats over the age of six months must be registered within the Shire/City in which they normally reside. Registrations are due on the first of November each year and are current for either one or three years or the life of the cat. Registration helps you to recover your cat if lost and assists the Shire to encourage responsible cat ownership. A person under 18 years of age may not lawfully register a cat in his or her name. The cat must be registered by a parent or another adult who will then be regarded as the lawful owner.
For kittens and cats new to the Shire of Manjimup, please download the registration form and visit the Shire office to complete your cat's registration. Proof of microchipping and sterilisation will be required.
Nuisance cats
If you live near a cat that is causing a nuisance, you should approach the owner if you feel it is safe to do so. If you feel the owner is unapproachable or the issue is not resolved, please contact us to report the nuisance cat to Ranger Services. If you have a problem with feral cats coming on to your property, please report it to Ranger Services.
Nuisance behaviour may include:
- A cat keeps coming into the garden and spraying on outdoor furniture;
- The cat keeps defecating in flower beds;
- A cat is coming into the garden and frightening your cat;
- There is a cat outside that appears to be in pain and yowling constantly;
- The neighbour's cat is killing wild life in the garden, particularly birds;
- There is, what seems to be, a feral cat in the garden, it is skinny and appears to be looking for food; or
- The neighbour's cat keeps entering the house cat flap and eating your cat's food.
You need to tell us!
- Should you move within the Shire of Manjimup, you must notify the Shire so that your cat's registration details can be updated.
- If you move away from the Shire of Manjimup, you must notify us and transfer your cat's registration to the new City/Shire.
- You must also notify the Shire if your cat is deceased or goes to a new owner.
You can advise the Shire by completing the animal maintenance form and returning it to the Shire.
Keeping your cat safe and happy at home
Keeping your cat confined is a good way to keep your cat and the local wildlife safe.
Check out the RSPCA keeping your cat safe and happy at home booklet below.