The nbn Genus N2P Project will extend nbn Optic Fibre cabling to the existing adjoining customer breakout pits in the Local Government Road Reserve (Outside the front of a resident’s property).
Initially the Field Inspection Remediation (FIR) activities were carried out and commenced in Manjimup on the 23/04/2024. This was required to prove whether the existing Telecommunication Network was fit for purpose and how much of the existing network was required to be remediated along with new pipe (conduit) in the ground was required.
Field Inspection Remediation for Manjimup was completed on 13/06/2024 and Construction is forecasted and scheduled to commence on or around the 05/08/2024 and completion is scheduled to finish on 16/12/2024.
All activities are confined to the Local Government Road Reserve, outside the boundary of a resident’s property and the Genus Services Contractors should have no need to work within a resident's property unless they are required to locate any existing services. See examples of the ground disturbing works on the both sides of the page.
The Genus Contractors will engage with the Shire of Manjimup resident’s by following our resident engagement process which will involve letterbox drops or leaving our Collateral cards in a place that can be seen prior to the ground disturbing works they will be then required to knock on the resident's door on the day. Example below of the Genus Collateral card that is used.
Don't hesitate to contact Genus Customer Service Feedback, found below, should you have any queries or issues.
At the conclusion of the nbn N2P Fibre Upgrade Program in the Shire of Manjimup residents/consumers will have the option to upgrade or take up a new NBN FTTP (Fibre to the Premises) network-based connection through their Service Provider if they wish to uptake.