Aged Accommodation
The vast majority of older Western Australians want to be supported to live independently in their local community for as long as possible. Remaining connected to the community is critical, both for individual wellbeing and the vitality of the community itself.
Facilities currently available
There are community owned asset-based rental accommodation for seniors in Manjimup, Northcliffe, Pemberton and Walpole. Contacts for these facilities are as follows:
- Manjimup - Dunreath Cottages, low cost accommodation for the elderly - 21 Duffield Street, Manjimup - Phone Paula Mitchell on 0400 053 273
- Manjimup - Moonya Lodge Frail Aged Care, provided by Baptistcare - 59 Ipsen Street, Manjimup - Phone 9771 1957
- Pemberton and Northcliffe multi-purpose facility, provided by WA Country Health Service South West - phone 9776 4000
- Pemberton Aged Accommodation, provision of aged, independent accommodation units - Contact Christine Trappitt on 9776 1283