Road maintenance and repairs
Each year the Shire of Manjimup spends approximately $2,000,000 on providing maintenance to the Shire's vast road network comprising 512kms of sealed roads and over 800kms of unsealed roads. Most maintenance works are provided on a programmed basis, including:
- Road sweeping;
- Patching of potholes;
- Grading of gravel roads (click here to view a fact sheet);
- Shoulder improvement works;
- Installing guide posts; and
- Weed control.
In addition to these maintenance services the Shire also undertakes works on an emergency basis, including:
- Removal of fallen trees;
- Flooding/stormwater washouts;
- Road failure; and
- Dangerous tree removal.
To submit a request for maintenance or repairs online, please contact us.
Road Hierarchy
The intent of a local road hierarchy is to provide minimum standards for construction and maintenance of roads within the Shire of Manjimup and to prioritise the same. The standards of maintenance and construction will represent the adopted Levels of Service (LOS) for each road within the Shire.
The road hierarchy provides the following:
- Guidance to staff in preparing annual budgets and allocating resources to road maintenance; and
- To define minimum standards for construction that balance the cost of ownership and construction against community expectations.
The road hierarchy is contained within Council's policy.

Co-contribution to upgrading rural roads
Land owners in rural areas who live adjacent to an unsealed road may approach the Shire to have the road upgraded, in order to overcome dust issues or other road serviceability issues. Council funds are limited and priority is given to maintaining the major road network with the result that these minor works have not met the selection criteria and been excluded from the construction program.
An application can be submitted to request funding for sealing or other improvement works in Council's annual works program under a scheme whereby the property owner contributes a 50% share of the cost of upgrading the road. For more information, refer to Council's policy Bitumen Sealing or Road Improvement Works on a Joint Basis.