Development approval
Development approval (DA) is required for a range of development and use in the Shire. The Shire's Local Planning Scheme No. 4 (LPS4) outlines what land uses are permitted in a given zone. The LPS4 also provides a range of development standards and requirements that a development needs to comply with. The development application process is the mechanism used to ensure these requirements are met. It is important to note that a development application is a different process to a Building Permit. Obtaining a development approval does not exempt you from also obtaining a building permit.
Click here to see what's involved in the application process.
What requires development approval?
The following is a list of more common developments where a development application is required. This list is not exhaustive and it is recommended that you seek advice from Statutory Planning Services to determine if a development application is required for your proposed development. View the fact sheet here.
- All single dwellings and associated outbuildings that are not exempt through the R-Codes.
- All single dwellings and associated outbuildings, including extensions, in the Town Centre, Priority Agriculture, Enterprise and Clubs & Institutions Zones;
- Single dwellings and outbuildings in all zones where variations to scheme requirements are necessary, such as setbacks or building envelopes;
- Grouped and multiple dwellings (i.e. more than one dwelling on a property);
- Ancillary accommodation (granny flats) in zones other than Residential or where not exempt through the R-Codes;
- Use of relocated second-hand buildings;
- Any development on a heritage-listed property;
- Holiday accommodation and tourist development;
- Commercial and industrial development;
- Clearing land in Rural Residential, Rural Smallholdings, Rural Conservation and Tourist Enterprise zones;
- All works within the Windy Harbour settlement;
- Some forms of advertisements (signage), including but not limited to, pylon signs, remote signs and portable signs (sandwich boards);
- Tree plantations, agro forestry, aquaculture, poultry farming, piggeries, feedlots and other intensive animal husbandry;
- Dams on land zoned other than General Agriculture or Priority Agriculture where set back is less than 20 metres and all dams in other zones. click here to visit the Department of Water and Environmental Regulation website to determine whether you need a water license;
- The parking of a commercial vehicle on a residential property that is greater than 3 tonnes tare weight or 5m in length; and
- Development on a lot without frontage to a constructed public road.
If your proposed development requires approval, please download our development application form. All owners of the property in question MUST sign the application form. Your development application will not be assessed until the consent of ALL owners has been obtained.
Please note: Any development application forms submitted for development in Windy Harbour or any other Shire of Manjimup owned land, please leave the owners details section of the development application form blank for the Shire of Manjimup to fill out.
What fees do I have to pay?
The range of planning fees are quite complex. Please refer to the section on Town Planning Fees in Council's annual fees and charges schedule.
Exempted development
The Scheme exempts a range of developments from the need to obtain a development approval, although a building permit may still be required. Some of the more common exemptions include:
- Internal alterations to buildings (except heritage-listed properties);
- Changing the use of a building where there is no increase in floor area and the permissibility remains the same, such as from one shop to another;
- Demolition of a building (except heritage-listed properties);
- Domestic outbuildings that comply with the Shire's Policy;
- Incidental structures, such as animal enclosures, cubby houses, flag pole and satellite dish, where setbacks comply with the Scheme;
- Rainwater tanks, swimming pools, effluent disposal systems air conditioners and solar panels, where setbacks comply with the Scheme;
- Farm sheds where setbacks comply with the Scheme;
- Rural pursuits, extensive and intensive agriculture in the General Agriculture and Priority Agriculture zones, where setbacks comply with the Scheme;
- Annual or short term (less than 12 months) horticulture crops in the General Agriculture, Priority Agriculture and Rural Smallholdings zones, where setbacks comply with the Scheme;
- Dams in General Agriculture and Priority Agriculture zones where the setback is at least 20m from a boundary and has the approval of the Department of Water and Environmental Regulation (if required); and
- Aquaculture where using existing dams.
If an exempted development requires a variation to the standards included in the Scheme, such as to setbacks or building envelopes, a development application will be required.
R-Codes Variations
Even though a single house or outbuilding may be exempt from development approval, it will still require approval of any variations to the acceptable development standards of the Residential Design Codes.
For a copy of the State Planning Policy 7.3 Residential Design Codes Volume 1, refer to the WA Planning Commissions website.
Building Permits
Remember, obtaining a development approval or being exempt does not mean that you have building or health approval. A building permit is required for most construction work in the Shire. Learn more about building permits here.
If you require more information on what requires development approval, please contact the Shire's Statutory Planning section on 9771 7777.
Onsite Waste Water Systems
Where a development approval requires connection to an onsite effluent disposal, the Shire requests the location details to be provided on the accompanying site plan for development approval.
A new onsite waste water system or any alterations to an existing system will require an appplication to construct or install an apparatus for the treatment of sewage from the Shire Environmental Health Services.
More information
If you require more information on what requires development approval, please contact the Shire's Statutory Planning section on 9771 7777.